Saturday, April 12, 2008


Insurance provides a way you can protect yourself against unpredictable risks, and therefore it can be very beneficial to you. Accidents, injuries, and old age can deprive you of physical health. Also natural disasters, robberies, or a whole host of different things can cause you to lose your possessions.
Nobody wants to think that unexpected things will happen, but sometimes they do. Insurance is an easy way of protecting yourself against financial losses caused by these problems. With good, comprehensive insurance, you don t have to worry about the unexpected financial burdens that may be caused by these things.
If you re just starting to think about insurance coverage, it can all seem a little confusing. There are so many different types of insurance available, and an even bigger variety in the types of policies you can get. The biggest challenge in finding the right insurance policy can be in figuring out what you really need.
A few types of insurance are required by law if you own a car, for example, the law requires you to have auto insurance. One reason this is important is because if you cause an accident, you are liable for the injury and property damage of other people involved in the accident.
Many other types of insurance, such as life, renters, and travel insurance, are optional. Two common types of insurance are health insurance and home insurance.
Shopping around for insurance is much the same as any other type of shopping. You can compare products and prices, and look at the types of benefits you re getting for your money. There are a few important things to consider when you re shopping around for insurance coverage. First, it s good to consider whether or not the insurance policy meets your needs. What risks, items, and events does it cover? How much will be paid out if you make a claim will it be the full cost of the item, or will you get less money as the item depreciates? What isn t included in the policy? For example, if you insure your home contents, are you covered if you leave the house unlocked?
A second thing to consider is cost what can you afford, and what will you get for your money? Will you save money with a direct debit payment? Will it cost more to pay monthly than if you pay yearly? Is your premium cost fixed, or is it subject to change?
It s also very important to look at the flexibility of your policy. What happens if you miss a payment? Does coverage stop immediately, or will you have a "grace" period to give you time to make the payment? Will you receive any money back if you cancel the insurance policy?
Also, if you switch to a new insurer, will you lose coverage for existing problems? This last question is particularly important if you re considering health insurance, as companies will charge higher premiums if you have an existing health problem.
Finally, remember to review your policy each time you renew it. This can be a very important point since it s important that your insurance policy continues to meet your needs for as long as you have it.
For more information, see This article was authored by

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Protect your mobile phones through insurance

Mobile phone insurance is not something new, just that now with a spurt in mobile phone theft and carrying an umbrella going out of fashion it is getting more and more important. If you have the tendency to take your mobile phone in the shower then the mobile insurance deals are certainly made just for you.
You can t battle Mother Nature but you certainly can keep her at bay, at least you can try! An insured mobile handset will ensure that if your mobile becomes a victim of the sudden downpour, something which is peculiar to our part of the world, then you can certainly put a forward a case to your insurer asking them to pay for god s folly! But when it comes to the wily insurers you will have a tough battle ahead!
There are various ways to avail mobile phone insurance. First is the seemingly hassle free way where you get your cover from your network provider or the retailer. The hitch there is that they will lure you in for buying the contract deal by promising to insure your mobile phone for first few months free of cost. But later on the mobile insurance will be like an Albatross around your neck! That might seriously push your expenses related to your mobile phones up!
The next and somewhat better option is to take cover from an independent provider who will provide you a range of options that will include cover for accidental loss, theft, damage due to rain (or bathroom shower) and other kind of reasons. You will be surprised to know that there are people out there who are providing cover for airtime abuse on a stolen mobile phone! But again before you avail anything like that you need to go through the fine print, thoroughly.
Fletcher Mak is an author, write various articles on different themes to expand information, because articles is a good way to send their information to needy people easily. You can get information about mobile phone insurance and other mobile phone deals.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Importance of Medical Travel Insurance

When travelling abroad on holiday, no one expects to fall ill, and if you are visiting overseas destinations it really is important to give some thought to the healthcare available and how to deal with an unforeseen medical situation in a foreign country. The unfamiliar environment can contribute to great distress for the unsuspecting tourist. Having to communicate in a foreign language with different and unfamiliar customs and the inability to understand what is happening can be very frightening. It is important to know that there are some unscrupulous medical centres around, particularly in popular tourist resorts where they prioritise financial considerations over quality of treatment and there are plenty of pitfalls to affect the unsuspecting tourist.
In Europe most countries have a very robust State healthcare system that provides the very highest levels of medical facilities and expertise. Generally if you fall ill, there is no shortage of medical care available, however, if you travel to Southern Europe, along the Mediterranean coast, (this area includes countries such as Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus etc.) you may find that, although there are State Health facilities, many private outpatient and inpatient hospitals have been built specifically to deal with the tourist market and one needs to take certain precautions if medical attention is required.
Often in these countries there is a whole network that has been established to take tourists directly to a private hospital or its affiliate outpatient centres where they commence an elaborate treatment regime which is often very expensive and often clinically unnecessary, purely for monetary gain. If you have travelled without Travel Insurance or without a reputable insurance product, this can lead to great personal hardship with treatment costs often ending up in thousands of dollars.
One infamous example of this type of abuse, which has been highly publicised in the European Press, occurred recently in Corfu. It was found that numerous tourists, who, after suffering a minor fall which resulted in a mild ankle sprain, were being x-rayed and operated upon under general anaesthetic for a procedure which was not medically appropriate. Not only was this potentially life threatening and likely to cause unnecessary complications but also very expensive the average cost being $20,000. Incredibly these clinics are still operating unabated today.
Many of the hotels in major tourist resorts will also offer free health checks particularly to the elderly. BEWARE Most elderly people will have some underlying medical condition which is maintained with regular medication prescribed by their GP. There have been numerous cases, where people have gone to these health checks with a medically stable condition and found that their treatment regimes were being altered which then caused complications resulting in admission to a private hospital and the loss of a holiday.
Additionally, hotels, taxis and even travel reps are often given commissions for taking tourists to a private clinic and indeed in many tourist resorts the ambulances are provided by the private hospitals purely to capitalise on the tourist dollar. For example, it is quite common in an emergency for a patient to be driven past a major State Hospital with all the appropriate emergency facilities and be admitted instead to an inferior private clinic. This is because the private hospital network is funded largely by the tourist market.
It is also worth knowing that in many European countries, whilst the State Hospitals offer a high level of medical care the nursing care is limited to medical attention only. This seldom includes the type of care we take for granted here in Australia such as welfare and general personal hygiene issues as they see this as something a relative or loved one would take care of. In such a situation it is possible to arrange for a private nurse to assist and this may even be covered by a Travel Insurance policy.
In African and Asian countries the biggest issue is the actual availability of healthcare and if you suffer from a more serious underlying medical condition then often the nearest medical facility will not have sufficient resources and expertise to deal with it. It is therefore quite common in serious cases to medically evacuate patients to a more suitable hospital which can cost anything up to $100,000. Even in this situation caution is required as there are unscrupulous Air Ambulance companies that act independently from the hospital with the sole aim of transferring a patient to another hospital outside the existing health arrangements which can prove extremely costly.
Healthcare in North America, including the Caribbean and Mexico, is very expensive and no one should consider travelling to these destinations without a comprehensive insurance policy. Whilst the medical care is of a high standard the costs are also extremely high and can easily escalate to hundreds of thousands of dollars. If holidaying in the Caribbean or countries in the Gulf region, again there is the risk of requiring a medical evacuation into the USA for treatment and this adds further to the already expensive costs.
There is no substitute for having a good quality travel insurance product. This will ensure that well trained medical assistance staff will always be on hand to offer all the support that you need in any such unforeseen situation.
Experienced multi-lingual staff will always be available to guide and assist you through these difficult times and the highest standard of medical expertise will always ensure that you have the appropriate medical treatment at the right time so you can avoid the complications of inappropriate and potentially dangerous medical treatment and the worry of unnecessary medical fees. They will also make sure that you arrive home safely if your travel plans are affected.
Save money on your travel insurance today. For a free quote, visit Cheap Travel Insurance.

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Saturday, March 29, 2008


Take a walk in the fields and see a bird at work, building his nest. That is a beautiful sight. The bird travels very, chooses a piece of straw in its beak, and darts back to work, heading a straw in the right place and he is off again. There is a beautiful display of purpose, drive, will, tact and planning. Learn from these little creatures, and you can be successful in saving for your expensive goals. It will be an expert in building a nest egg for your future.
A many people find it difficult to save because they lack a sense of purpose for the money they want to accumulate. I assume that you know the type of situation you can get yourself into when you are bored at home and leaving his home to go for a walk, without an exact location in mind where you want to go. You can even get lost, so lack of direction and destination. Unfortunately, most people that want to be purposeful can not tell you the right reasons that they are trying save.
You can strengthen its ability to save if you start enlisting because its purpose or purposes for saving, and continue to be allocated Specific objectives for each goal. Goals serve as milestones in your journey towards purpose.
In order to set a realistic goal, it is essential that you carry out a detailed assessment of the resources that currently have and find the additional resources that you will need to achieve its objective and its Associated goals. The birds can really teach you save. It becomes much easier once you establish a clear sense of purpose.
Time is of great essence when considering savings. The time to act is now, you have to start now. Maybe you already have an investment, the sooner you begin to examine whether the greatest chances are that you will find any faults and hopefully, rectify them before things really get out of hand. Remember the adages: & 39; A stitch in time saves nine " and " Make hay while the sun shines ". Believe it or not, time is the biggest enemy of mankind and must be used resourcefully.
State national pension and insurance schemes were in confusion for a long time, and many occupational pension schemes are running deficits. You must be clear about the kind of retirement you want to experience. You would like to maintain the same style of life you are enjoying now or even improve, that during retirement? Needless to say, you should make allowance for the fact that diseases are rampant among the elderly and that it may be necessary to contribute greatly to care. You may have to start saving towards personal pension up until deficiencies in the state and professional pension.
Failing this, you may have to continue to work during retirement, retire much later than you should, or live a life far below the default when you anticipate you retire. I entreat you to give due attention " " you in the future, perhaps even more than you give to & 39; you & 39; now, the reason is that you are much stronger now than that you will be then.
Everything, including savings can be Dose eno if you put your mind to it. Consider the size of ants and huge mountains that upright, and believe that you can save for any purposes and objectives. Why do you have to wait until the day of tomorrow? Start now, have their own future in their hands and make it brighter.
David Opoku BA Accounting and Finance. (Currently specializing in Financial Advisory / Stockbroking a leader in Financial Services).
E-mail: Web: bradford blake

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